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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No 'Poo

No 'poo is the act of no longer using chemical filled shampoos and conditioners in your hair. No 'pooing uses baking soda and apple cider vinegar instead. It has been said to make hair much more softer and last longer between 'pooing. The natural oils are not allowed to come out with harsh chemical shampoos, instead the chemicals strip your hair of natural shampoos.

It is often heard from celebrity hairstylists to "not wash your hair as often", many people resond-myself included- that my hair just gets to oily if I dont do it everyday. That is because your hair is over producing oils to get it to the rest of your hair, because the chemicals are stripping them everyday.

The baking soda helps get rid of that build up of oil. The vinegar counteracts with the baking soda for that soft feeling. Lots of people also use honey on a daily basis.

A no 'poo routine for someone who is just getting started would do something like this:

~Day 1: Do 1 tbls of baking soda per 1 cup of warm water. (start out with this and you can add more as you go along as you like. ) Put in squeeze bottle and shake. Starting from the forehead section of the scalp squirt baking soda mixture and work it in with fingers until all over scalp is finished. Rinse. Your hair will feel coarse and stiff. Make the same mixture except with apple cider vinegar this time. Dont worry about the smell it will go away before your hair drys! Rinse.
When you get out of the shower make you have a good bristle brush to help "redistribute" your oils from your scalp to the ends.
~Day 2: Wash scalp with 1 tbls of honey. Rinse

Rotate these days until you feel comfortable then skip the baking soda day. Until eventually you are only using the baking soda mixture once a week. But you can use the honey everyday if you would like.

If you still use chemical shampoos I can only imagine your face right now. I promise you its not as bad as it sounds. And your hair will thank you for it.


  1. Interesting! I might need to try this - maybe I'll wait til summer :)

  2. This was very helpful, thanks for sharing!

