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Monday, April 5, 2010

Going Orgainc?

My little family is going organic! And since I have had lots of questions thrown my way about it. It IS possible to go organic and still be frugal.

~join a CSA. This is a community Supported Agriculture program that you sign up with local farms and buy a share of whatever crop they are growing this year. Go to eatingwild.com and localharvest.com If you are in the Minneapolis area I highly recommend the Hobbs farm!

~Farmers Markets. This is a biggie! You can get some great deals here and its all fresh and the meat is hormone and cage free! Everything tastes better fresh!

~Keep a look out at your local grocery stores still too! More and more stores are offering a wider variety of organic/vegetarian/ vegan options. But still shop within the sales!

~Eat beans. Beans are a great way to get your much needed protein without breaking the bank of grass fed meat. Start substituting beans instead of meat. Taco salad does not need beef- add black beans or pinto instead! Make Bean burgers, meatless chili, etc.

~Go to your favorite organic brands websites and most of them offer coupons, such as stoneyfield, and organic valley.

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